Boat & bike in Italy & Greece 2025

Early booking discount 30 € per person!

Italy - the country where lemons bloom. By foot, you’ll be experiencing old and ancient history. The river Po offers a perfect framework for this great bike & ship tour through the land of Don Camillo, the popes and the doges. Here he forms the border between Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, two regions with a guarantee of good wines and the best food.
Greece - the cradle of Europe. Land of wine, olives and cheese. Sea and islands full of legends and adventure. The best conditions for a cycling vacation under sail, e.g. on the Ionian Islands.

These are our boat and bike tours in Italy and Greece:

MS Vita Pugna Cycling in North-Italy
- MS Vita Pugna -

Mantua - Venice
Venice - Mantua
MS Avemaria Cycling in North-Italy
- MS Ave Maria -

Mantua - Venice
Venice - Mantua
MS Sundial Italy
Aoelian Islands
-MS Sundial-
round trip from Milazzo
full tour details
MS Panagiota Greece - Ionian Islands
- MS Panagiota -
reduct: 25.04., 13. + 20.06.
round trip from Korfu
full tour details
MS Thalassa Greece - Peloponnese
ans Saronic Islands

- MS Thalassa -
reduct: 18. + 25.04., 20.06.
round trip from Athen
full tour details

Click onto a picture to read a description of the boat.

No matter which region you are interested in - we promise you a wonderful boat & bike vacation in Italy or Greece.